Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Steam and Leaf Plot

The image above is a stem and leaf plot. Stem and leaf plots are used to show quantitative information in a graphical format. The map above shows the GDP of Western Africa. The key helps to understand the map. The numbers to the left always stands for the first number. In the first row there is 1 and an 80 so the first row respresents $180.00. In the second row there are three sets of numbers. That row represents $240.00, $260.00, $270.00.

Proportional Circle Map

This is a Proportional Circle Map. I took this map from the same website I got the Classed Choropleth Map from. The maps where used to show the same data mapped in two different ways. So this map also shows the spending by overseas residents in 2003. Proportional circle maps use circles for each different country. The legend shows that the smallest circle stands for 5 million. As the circles increase so do their amounts. If there is no circle in a country then there was no spending recorded.

Classed Choropleth Map

This map is a Classed Choropleth Map. The reason we call this one a classed map is because of the color shading. This particular map has five classes, thus it has five different color shades. I got this map off a website all about maps and this one actually has a few things wrong with it. The classes are poorly done because the map onlooker has no idea how to interpret the Western Isle spending. Also this area is not part of Great Britan though the map title says it is. On this website they used a proportional map to compare maps, which is my next map.


The map above is a scatterplot. A scatter plot, also known as a scatter graph, shows two different data sets. Scatterplots are normally used when one variable is controlled. So very often these graphs are used in expirements. The scatterplot above shows the ages of spouses. Scatterplots normally look much like this one does. Imagine a line going down the middle of the lines. That is what scattor plots look like most of the time; although, they can have outliers as well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Isohyet Map

Above is an Isohyet map. Isohyet maps like all "Iso" maps have contour lines of equal value. With isohyet maps these contour lines show the rainfall densities of a certain area. The map above shows the flooding of Fort Collins Colorado. This picture was from a flooding in July of 1997. My sister actually lives there now so I thought it was cool I found this photo!

Isopleth Map

Isopleth maps are used to show different attributes to a consisting map. They can be comparable to the previous chloropleth map. Isopleth simply means lines of equal measure. As with all the iso maps that is the case. The amount of seperation between the lines shows the difference in measurement. Isopleth maps can show percipitation, elevation, and many other things. Isopleth maps simplify data that is continously distributed. The Isopleth map above shows the amount of H1N1 deaths in California.

Isopach Map

This is an Isopach map. Isopach maps show the thickness of a certain stratum. They are usually used for geological reasons. This map shows the deposits of a volcano. Taupo is an 1800 old volcano that erupted devistating much of the surrounding area. By this map they you can tell where the deposits went and how thick/heavy they where. You can tell the further from the volcano you get the less dense the deposits get.

Isotach Map

This is an isotach map. An isotach is a line on a map showing the different windspeeds in a certian area. This particular map is a picture of Hurrican Ava from 1973. The dashed lines are the isotachs while the solid lines are the directions of the winds. They have two seperate set of lines because although isotachs show the speeds they do not show the direction of the wind.

Isobar Map

An isobar map shows the different atmospheric pressure of a certain area. The map above shows isobars around a low pressure shown. This map actually has some closed isobars meaning they are circular around the low pressure region. Closed isobars can happen around high and low pressure areas.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Chloropleth Map

This is a Chloropleth map. Chloropleth maps use graphic changes to show the quantitative changes in a certain region. Like in the map above, different colors or the fading of colors are used most often. The map above is showing the percentage of the water sanitation in that area. Chloropleth maps are often misunderstood because they do not show differences of urban and rural areas.