Friday, July 30, 2010

Standardized Choropleth Map

This is an example of a standardized Choropleth Map. This map shows the denisty of American states. By looking at the map you can quickly tell the northeast area and very populated while the midwest is not. Standardized Choropleth maps are used to compare data.

Data Visualization

This is an example of a data visualization. Now we are starting to see more data sets enhanced or turned into a picture to show data. This method makes its easier to some people to understand data. The map above shows the density of the eastrn cities in America. By the map going up it is very easy to see which cities have the high densities.

Correlation Matrix

The graph above is an example of a Correlation matrix. Down the left side are a list of variable and there are also a list of variables that run along the top. The correlation between these two variables. The above variables prove to not be very correlated. The information being compared above are things about population.

Parallel Coordinate Plot

The graph above is called a Parallel Coordinate Plot. These plots make comparing date easier. The example above is comparing different fish lengths. And by looking at the graph all the fish lengths seem to be very related.

Line graph

Line graphs are a way of showing raw data. Line graphs can be done in many different ways. Shading can be added to help emphasise data. Trend lines can be added to help the viewer better see the movement of the line also. The above line graph is very simple line graph. It is showing the tempatures of New York City.

Pie Chart

The above map is an example of a pie chart. Pie charts are used to show percetage data. You can tell how different variables relate to the whole topic. The example I found above shows pie preference. It is easy to tell that the most liked pie was Apple. The least liked pie is cocunut cream.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Isoline Map

An Isoline Map has continuous lines that join points of the same value. There are many different types of maps that use isolines such as isobars, isotachs, isotherms and many others. This map above of isolines was off a website that explained how one could make a map using isolines. They used made up data of tempatures for the example.